Demand for frozen foods and freezers spike in Singapore
on: April 16 ,2020 In: Developing News

Supermarkets in Singapore have seen a spike in demand for frozen food since Singaporeans are staying at home as much as possible due to the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Demand for frozen food has increased by more than 20% with the highest increase in the demand for frozen vegetables, such as mixed vegetables, leafy vegetables, carrots, corn and potatoes, with the increase being as high as 50% in volume. Other frozen food items that have seen an increase are poultry products and processed foods.
NTUC FairPrice has also said that it would continue to diversify its sources and work with supplies from different countries.
Additionally, the rise in frozen food demand has resulted in Singaporeans buying freezers to store their purchases.
Most frozen fruits and vegetables are freshly picked and often frozen within hours, which allows them to retain their nutrients and flavours. Frozen fruits and vegetables may even contain more vitamins and minerals than fresh food. However, thawed food should not be refrozen as dormant bacteria could have become more active once the food is thawed.
Source: – 16th April 2020
Image by Willfried Wende from Pixabay