UK fashion retailers brace for shakeup as clothing piles up in warehouses
on: April 06 ,2020 In: Developing News

In the UK, major fashion retailers, including Primark, Peacocks, Next and Arcadia Group, which owns Topshop and Miss Selfridges, have stopped deliveries into their warehouses due to a lack of space. It has been estimated that clothing storage warehouse space in the UK is currently more than 90% full, while suppliers and warehouse operators have had urgent negotiations on how to stock the approximately two weeks of stock that is currently headed for the UK in container ships.
Even brands such as Next and Moss Bros, which continue to trade online have faced difficulties in protecting the health of workers who pick and pack goods in warehouses. Additionally, online demand has also decreased during the lockdown as the country lives in pajamas and sweatpants.
Read the full article here ( – 5th April 2020)
Image: Oldham Town Centre - High Street Discounts and Sales by My Favourite Voucher Codes - CC BY 2.0