Logfresh Preservative Card Keeps Fruits and Vegetables Fresh for Longer and Leaves No Residue Within the Product
on: March 31 ,2020 In: Developing News

The preservative card, which can be used for many types of fruits and vegetables, including dragon fruit, avocado, mango, apples, broccoli and tomato, extends the shelf life of the products by 50-100%. The card used the mechanism of 1-MCP through which ethylene available both inside and outside of the fruit are limited, reducing the intensity with which fruit 'breathes'.
The main advantage of the preservative card is that no preservative residue is leftover in the product. This means that the preservative will not show up on any test of chemical residue in agricultural products.
Read the full article here (freshplaza.com – 30th March 2020)
Image Source: freshplaza.com