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The influence of E-Commerce on Rural China

on: July 26 ,2018 In: Developing News

China's online retail market will double in size in the next two years, and that the growth will come disproportionately from third- and fourth-tier cities and from the country's vast rural hinterland

In an article published earlier this week by Jiayang Fan in the New Yorker, it was shown how e-commerce is changing China's rural areas, where there isn't as much of a sense of structure.

The article goes on to highlight how Jingdong , a Chinese e-commerce company  that is now the third-largest tech company in the world in terms of revenue  and its founder and C.E.O., Liu Qiangdong  have brought e-commerce to rural areas and continue to expand into areas such as Cenmang and Xinhuang.

Technology in China seems to follow a phenomenon known as leapfrogging, where the non-participation in an older technology influences an early adoption of a newe technology, as is the case with China moveing directly to a mobile revolution after by-passing the PC revolution.

To read the full article visit https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2018/07/23/how-e-commerce-is-transforming-rural-china